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Who Are We?

Stellar Painting and Remodeling is a consultative and home-grown, family-owned business that serves the Denver Metro and surrounding market with residential and commercial painting, carpentry repair, deck repair/rebuilt, gutter replacement, finish carpentry and residential kitchen, bath, tile flooring and general remodeling. Stellar was founded in 2004 and is celebrating its 16th year in Business. Stellar is proud to share award winning service and staff to our Clients.


Kris Nolan

Director of Finance

Armando Torres

Sales Representative

Nick Lawrence

Commercial Field Service Manager and Safety Manager

Mike Charbonneau

Senior Account Manager

Guy Miller


Leah Nolan

Sales Coordinator

Austin Keils
Austin Keils

Field Service Manager

Stephanie Wright


Chantelle Garcia
Chantelle Garcia

Residential Project Manager

Steller Interior Designer

Lauren McCarthy

Lauren McCarthy is the Owner/ Lead Designer of Interior Roots Design. She has always been a creative sole and loves the process of helping clients transform their spaces. She attended college at Texas Tech University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors Degree in Interior Design. Shortly after she moved to Colorado to pursue a design career that started in the paint industry. Her first professional job was with Kwal Paint as a National Color Specialist. She went on to work for both Sherwin Williams, and Guiry’s, which is a locally owned Benjamin Moore dealer. After 10 years working for paint manufacturers/ dealers she decided to take the leap and pursue her lifelong dream of owning her own design business. She established Interior Roots in the spring of 2019 and hasn’t looked back since. Her design philosophy is “When designed well, a house becomes a home and the client can set their emotional roots”.

Her services include:

  • Color Consultations
  • Hunter Douglas Window coverings
  • Custom fabric products- draperies, bedding, etc.
  • Renovation/ Remodeling Design packages for Kitchens, Baths, Basements or any other space in need of a renovation
  • Exterior Living Space Design Packages
  • General Design Consultations- furnishings, selecting materials and finishes, etc.
Coworking Office Environment

Founding Stellar

Guy graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BBA in 1983 and started working for Sherwin Williams Paint straight away out of college. He then worked in the Houston market for 13 years with GRACO Inc. in its Painting Contractor’s Paint Application and Equipment Division. He moved to Denver in 1998 and went to work for a local Denver paint manufacturer, Colorado Paint, as a Director of Marketing and Sales for a new line of paint called “STELLAR PAINT,” thus the origin of the business name. STELLAR PAINT was purchased by Kwal Paint and Guy moved to work for a local paint contractor as an Estimator and General Manager, finally starting his own company in 2004.

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Serving the Areas of Denver, Boulder, Highland Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Littleton, Lakewood, Greenwood Village, Parker, Arvada, Golden, Westminster, Thornton, North Glen, Castle Rock, Longmont, Englewood, Aurora